Anyone involved in formal or informal facilitation
Maximum number of participants: 12
Course duration
2 Days
Classroom Requirements
Room set up as horseshoe and large enough for team activities, or with break-out rooms for team activities. Overhead projector, flipcharts.
- Presentation
- Written Exercises
- Interactive Activities
After this course a student should be able to
- Define the goals and constraints of different types of facilitation
- Define the roles of those involved in the facilitation process
- Plan and prepare for facilitation
- Apply facilitation techniques
Course outline
- Introduction
- Understanding Facilitation
- Context for facilitation
- Leading, coaching, and facilitating
- Planning and Preparation
- Setting objectives and boundaries
- Environment and logistics
- Roles and Responsibilities
- The facilitator’s role
- The participants’ roles and responsibilities
- Occasions for Facilitation
- Group functions and goals
- Workshops, team meetings, and JAD sessions
- Facilitation Skills and Techniques
- Verbal and non-verbal communication
- Managing disagreement constructively
- Handling difficult individuals
- Performing Facilitation
- Setting the scene
- Time keeping and record keeping
- Follow up
- Conclusion