Windows (XP SP2, Vista, Server 2003, or
Server 2008) OR Linux (SUSE 9 or Red Hat
5). BEA WebLogic Platform 10.3. Oracle or later, MySQL 5, or Microsoft SQL
Server 2005. Sun Java 2 Development Kit
(JDK) version 6.0 or later. Java compatible
browser. Eclipse integrated development
environment (IDE).
WebLogic Training Minimum hardware requirements:
Pentium at
1.5 GHz, 2 Gb RAM; 10 GB free hard disk
space before installation. Classroom
machines should be networked. Internet
Microsoft PowerPoint On instructor’s workstation for presentation purposes.
WebLogic Training Course duration:
5 Days
WebLogic Training Course outline
Module 1: Design and Architecture of Web
Applications – Part I
- Internet Fundamentals
- Web Application Architecture
- Multiple-Tier Design
- Functions of a Server
Module 2: Creating Web Pages Using HTML
- Basic Tags
- Graphic Effects
- Lists and Tables
- Frames, Controls, and Stylesheets
- Applets
Module 3: Client-Side Programming
Using JavaScript
- Uses of Client-Side Scripting
- The Document Object Model
- JavaScript Language Elements
Module 4: Server-Side Programming
Using Java Server Pages
- Uses of Server-Side Scripting
- Communicating with the Client
- Server Objects
- Maintaining State
- JSP Lifecycle and Events
Module 5: Relational Database
- Connecting to Databases Using JDBC
- Viewing and Updating Tables
- Connection Pooling
- Transaction Processing
Module 6: Servlets
- Uses of Servlets
- Relationship Between Servlets and JSPs
Servlet API
- Communicating with the Client
- Session Tracking
- Servlet Lifecycle and Events
Module 7: JavaBeans
- Uses of JavaBeans
- Relationship of JavaBeans to Servlets
and JSPs
- Design and Architecture
- JavaBeans API
- Maintaining State
- Bean Lifecycle and Events
- Serialization
- Packaging
Module 8: Design and Architecture of
Web Applications – Part II
- Overview of J2EE
- Error and Exception Handling
- Threading
- Networking Considerations
- Model-View-Controller (MVC)
- Different Roles of Developers on a Team
Module 9: Enterprise JavaBeans
- EJB Server and Containers
- Session Beans
- Entity Beans
- Maintaining State
- Bean Contexts
- Bean Persistence
- Bean Lifecycle and Events
- Packaging and Deployment
Module 10: Testing Using JUnit
- Purpose and Goals
- Writing Test Cases
- Executing Test Cases
- TestCase Lifecycle and Events
- Using Fixtures
- Designing Good Tests
- Using TestSuites
- Using TestRunners
Module 11: Advanced Topics
- Advanced Error Handling
- Multithreaded Applications
- Security
Module 12: Summary and Review