This course will integrate a combination of instructor-led discussions and interactive workshops to demonstrate the capabilities of IBM’s WSAD v5.1 product for building HTML, JSP documents and JavaServer Faces. This course will focus on the common set of frameworks and services utilized within this integrated tool platform. The topics presented in this course include; development and deployment of web applications, HTML, JSP v1.2 specification, utilizing XML, integrating Web services development (SOAP, UDDI and WSDL), SQL query toolset, WebSphere v5.1 test environment and team development issues.
Each student should have a basic understanding of the Internet and the role of HTML. Some experience writing some basic HTML applications is preferable, but not required
Class Format
Lecture and Lab
Web page designers, end users and other professionals that will be designing, developing and implementing interactive Websites using HTML, JavaServer Pages, JavaBeans and implementing them using IBM’s WSAD v5.1.
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, the student should be able to:
- Understand the integrated capabilities of
WebSphere Studio Application Developer v5.0
for web page creation.
- Develop web pages using HTML and JSP v1.2
- Use Page Designer component to build HTML
and JSP documents
- Illustrate role of XML and the embedded tools
to develop DTDs and XML schemas
- Illustrate mapping XML to back-end data sources
- Understand role of Web services and support
- Demonstrate team development of HTML/JSP
documents using CVS
- Test HTML/JSP applications using WebSphere
Application Server environment
- Create deployable WAR applications
Course Duration
3 Days