This course provides hands-on experience building enterprise applications using all the BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1 products. BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 is the development environment. This training prepares you to immediately contribute to sophisticated J2EE development projects.
WebLogic Training Prerequisites :
This course is intended for Java developers who need to develop J2EE applications using Weblogic Workshop. Java programming background is essential, J2EE experience is not essential. This course focuses on teaching the web development experience using Weblogic Workshop.
WebLogic Training Objectives:
Learn to use the Weblogic Workshop 8.1 tool to develop J2EE applications
Rapidly develop and deploy enterprise applications
Build enterprise-class Web services and J2EE-based applications
Integrate Web applications with packaged applications and legacy systems
Develop automated, asynchronous workflows that contain complex logic and human interaction
Construct interactive portals for accessing data, processes and applications
Test and debug applications in BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1
Manipulate XML data with XQuery and XMLBeans
WebLogic Training Course duration:
5 Days
WebLogic Training Course outline
Course Introduction
Course Objectives
Course Overview
Using the Workbook
Suggested References
BEA Weblogic Introduction
What is Java?
What is J2EE?
The J2EE Architecture
Servlets and JSPs
Enterprise Java Beans
Application Server
Web Container
EJB Container
Distributed Objects
BEA Weblogic Platform
Platform Setup Labs
Platform Setup Labs Cont..
Weblogic Workshop
Weblogic Workshop Introduction
Workshop Editions
Workshop Version 7
Workshop Screen components
Workshop Menus
Workshop Menus Cont.
Applications and Projects
Projects cont.
Workshop File Types
Simple JSP Development Walk-Through
Debugging Applications
Debugging Properties
Resetting Weblogic Servers
Workshop Performance
Developing Web Applications
Web Applications Introduction
JSP Pages
JSP Elements (Expressions and Scriptlets)
JSP Implicit Objects
JSP Development in Workshop
JSP Development
JSP element configuration
Tag Libraries
Page Flows
What are Page Flows
What is Struts?
MVC/Model 2 Architecture
Struts and MVC
Page Flows vs. Struts
Page Flow Components
Flow View Icons
HTML Forms
Page Flow Creation Lab Cont.
Validation error messages
Form Creation Lab
Displaying Validation Messages
Form Creation Lab cont.
Form Data for Error Messages
Form Validation Lab cont.
Page Flow Tag Libraries
Form Validation Lab cont.
Web Services
Overview of Web Services
What does a Web service do?
What are the Standards
Weblogic Web Services
JWS Files
Building a simple Web Service
Testing a simple Web Service
Using a WebService Control
Conversational Web Services
Conversational Web Services cont.
Java Controls
Java Controls
Built-in Controls
Database Controls
Generating Page Flows
EJB Control
EJB Control Lab cont.
Timer Control
What is JMS ?
Using JMS Controls
Using Web Service Controls
Web Service Control cont.
Building Custom Controls
Control Methods
Testing Custom Controls
Labs cont.
Application Deployment
Deployment Overview
Production vs Development Mode
Application Assembly
Ear files
Ear file Structure
Jar Files
War Files
Configuring the descriptors
Creating the Deployment files
LAB: Deploying through the Console
LAB: Undeploying through the Console
XML Beans
Using XML in Workshop
XML Schema
Schema to Java classes
Simple Application using XMLBeans
XMLBeans datatypes
Please contact your training representative for more details on having this course delivered onsite or online