Lesson 1: Microsoft Office 2000
Topic 1A: Designing an Office Solution
Task 1A-1: Using the Code Librarian
Topic 1B: Deploying an Office 2000 Solution
Task 1B-1: Prepare a Document for the Web
Lesson 2: Using the Visual Basic Editor
Topic 2A: Identify Solutions that Work Best with VBA
Task 2A-1: Understanding Office Applications with VBA
Topic 2B: The Visual Basic Environment
Task 2B-1: VB Editor Commands
Task 2B-2: The Event Procedure
Task 2B-3: Creating a Macro in Word
Task 2B-4: Insert Modules and Procedures into Project Explorer
Task 2B-5: Running Code from the Host Application
Topic 2C: Using Debugging Tools
Task 2C-1: Use the Debug Toolbar
Lesson 3: Using Visual Basic with Office 2000
Topic 3A: Declaring Variables with Appropriate Scope
Topic 3B: Decision Control and Looping Code
Task 3B-1: Using Visual Basic Syntax
Topic 3C: Uses of Object Models
Task 3C-1: Object Model Information in Help
Topic 3D: Office 2000 Shared Object Models
Task 3D-1: Shared Object Models
Topic 3E: Early and Late Binding of Object Variables
Task 3E-1: Using an Object Model
Topic 3F: Customizing the User Interface
Task 3F-1: Creating a Form
Task 3F-2: Adding Controls
Task 3F-3: Setting Control Properties
Task 3F-4: Setting Tab Order of Controls
Task 3F-5: Control Initialization and Validation
Task 3F-6: Recording a Macro
Task 3F-7: Automate Calling with Macro
Task 3F-8: Adding a Command to a Menu
Lesson 4: Office Solution Data Retrieval
Topic 4A: Accessing External Data Sources
Task 4A-1: Importing Data from Excel to Access
Topic 4B: Selecting the Optimal Office 2000 Applicationfor Data Storage and
Topic 4C: Using Components of the ADO Model
Task 4C-1: Retrieve and Manipulate Data with ADO Recordset Object
Topic 4D: Structured Query Language (SQL)
Task 4D-1: Use the Access Query Wizard
Task 4D-2: Build a Query with Access and Copy its SQL Statement toan Excel
Topic 4E: Handling Common Errors in ADO
Task 4E-1: Using the VBA Error Handler Add-In
Lesson 5: Building a Document in Excel
Topic 5A: Capabilities of the Excel Object Model
Task 5A-1: Reference an Excel Worksheet from PowerPoint
Topic 5B: How to Design Your Solution Using the MicrosoftExcel Object Model
Task 5B-1: Using Workbook Events to Display Messages
Task 5B-2: Programmatically Add/Rename a Worksheet to a Workbook
Task 5B-3: Using Worksheet Events to Improve a Solution
Task 5B-4: Writing Code that References Cell Ranges on a Worksheet
Task 5B-5: Programmatically Formatting/Inserting Values and Formulas
Task 5B-6: Getting Data from Other Applications
Lesson 6: Excel Data Analysis and Presentation
Topic 6A: Accessing Data Using Office 2000 Applications
Task 6A-1: Using Microsoft Query to Bring Data from an Access Databaseinto
Topic 6B: Using Office 2000 Applications to ManipulateData in an Excel Pivot
Task 6B-1: Creating a Pivot Table Manually
Task 6B-2: Programmatically Creating a Pivot Table
Task 6B-3: Grouping and Updating
Topic 6C: Manipulating Data in an Excel Chart
Task 6C-1: Creating a Chart Manually Using Chart Wizard
Task 6C-2: Programmatically Creating a Chart
Task 6C-3: Programmatically Modifying the Chart/Style/Format
Task 6C-4: Modifying an Existing Chart
Topic 6D: Using Office 2000 Applications to Present Data
Task 6D-1: Publishing a Document as Static HTML
Task 6D-2: Publishing an Excel Worksheet as an Interactive Web Page
Task 6D-3: Introduction to the Microsoft Script Editor
Lesson 7: Microsoft Word Solutions
Topic 7A: Common Objects for Word in Office 2000 ObjectModels
Task 7A-1: Explore the Word Object Model
Topic 7B: Using VBA to Create, Save, and Open Documents
Task 7B-1: Use VBA to Create a Word Object from Excel
Task 7B-2: Build a Word Template and Attach it to a Document with VBA
Topic 7C: Programmatically Insert and Format Text in aWord Document
Task 7C-1: Setting a Range to Refer to a Paragraph and Format It
Task 7C-2: Create a Table and AutoPopulate its Cells with VBA
Task 7C-3: Creating an AutoText Entry and Inserting It at a BookmarkLocation
Topic 7D: Insert Excel Data into a Word Document Programmatically
Task 7D-1: Send Excel Data to Word with VBA
Topic 7E: Save a Document in HTML for Publication on theWorld Wide Web
Task 7E-1: Converting a Word Document to HTML
Lesson 8: Additional Office Solutions
Topic 8A: Preparing and Publishing PowerPoint Presentations
Task 8A-1: Adding and Editing Slides
Task 8A-2: Using the Macro Recorder
Topic 8B: Customizing an Office Assistant
Task 8B-1: Using the Object Browser
Task 8B-2: Creating a Balloon
Topic 8C: Access Solutions
Task 8C-1: Using an Access Database from Excel
Topic 8D: Customizing Outlook
Task 8D-1: Creating an Appointment
Task 8D-2: Error Mail for Help Desk
Lesson 9: Office 2000 Advanced Development Issues
Topic 9A: Using the Code Librarian
Task 9A-1: Creating A Code Librarian Entity
Task 9A-2: Add Code to the Code Librarian
Topic 9B: COM Add-Ins
Task 9B-1: Create a COM Add-in Project
Topic 9C: Using Digital Certificates
Task 9C-1: Create a Digital Certificate
Task 9C-2: Sign a Project
Topic 9D: Implementing an Office Solution
Task 9D-1: Using the Package and Deployment Wizard
Lesson 10: Publishing Office 2000 Solutions Using FrontPage2000
Topic 10A: Web Site Development Strategies
Topic 10B: Differentiate Between Server Extensions
Topic 10C: The FrontPage 2000 Object Model
Task 10C-1: Using FrontPage Application Events
Task 10C-2: Working in the Navigation Structure: Navigation Nodes
Task 10C-3: Working in the Navigation Structure: Returning Web Files
Task 10C-4: Inserting Text into a File
Topic 10D: Create a Web Page in FrontPage 2000
Task 10D-1: Create Basic Business Web Page
Task 10D-2: C-STARS Corporate Web Site
Topic 10E: Displaying Office 2000 Documents On A Web Site
Task 10E-1: Importing Office Documents in a FrontPage Web Site
Appendix A: Executive Summary: Original C-STARS Proposal
Introduction to C-STARS
Appendix B: Meeting Notes: C-STARS Director
Meeting Information You Noted
Appendix C: Meeting Notes: C-STARS Educational Services Manager
Meeting Information You Noted
Appendix D: Meeting Notes: C-STARS Research Manager
Meeting Information
Appendix E: Meeting Notes: C-STARS Public Relations Manager
Meeting Information You Noted
Appendix F: Visual Basic Editor Shortcuts