Datawarehousing Training Prerequisites
Indepth knowledge of Database Management and SQL Server 2000.
Datawarehousing Training Course duration
4 Days
Datawarehousing Training Objectives
To make the participants proficient in MSOLAP and MDX
Datawarehousing Training Course outline
MSOLAP FundamentalsDimension
- Star viersus Snow
- Shared or Provate
- Changing Dimension
- Virtual Dimension
- Parent Child Dimension
- Can parent child also be changing?
- Dimension Hierarchies
- Multiple Hierarchies for single dimension
- Dimension Levels and Members
- Member Keys
- Member Properties
Designing Cubes
- Linked Cubes
- Virtual Cubes
- Distributed Partition Cubes
- Real Time Cubes
- CACHING and Cubes
- Cube Partitioning and Record size impact on performance of cubes
- Partition Organization
- Partition Processing
- Aggregations
- Write Back function
- Distinct Counts
- Calculated Cells
- Actions
- Named Sets
- Overview and Concepts of MDX
- Members
- Tuples
- Sets
- Comparison of SQL syntax with MDX syntax
- Different FUNCTIONS in MDX like EmptyCrossJoin, RollupChildren etc.
- Axis and Slicer Dimensions and their use within an MDX query with SELECT and
WHERE clauses
- Establishing Cube context – purpose of FROM clause
- Creating and using Named sets, Calculated Cells, Calculated Members, Dimension
Levels, Members and Cell properties
- CACHE building in MDX queries
- Pass Order and Solve Order
- What is WRITE BACK?
- WHERE clause overrides
- Comments in MDX queries
- What are external function libraries? How can we create our own function libraries?
How to use Excel and VB libraries in MDX.