This course is provided by Wintrac. Wintrac provides one stop shopping for all your IT
training needs. Wintrac’s course catalog of over two thousand courses includes courses on Web Development Training
Course outline
Introduction to ColdFusion
Building Forms with ColdFusion Studio
Using ColdFusion to Process Form Data
A Review of Database Concepts
An Introduction to SQL
Querying a Database in ColdFusion
Displaying Multiple Records Returned by a Query with DFTABLE
Introduction to Active Server Pages
Working with Forms in ASP
Introduction to ASP Database Connectivity
Displaying Multiple Records in ASP
Introducing Java and JavaServer Pages
Processing Form Input
INtroducting JDBC
Working with ResultSetMetaData
Appendix A: Creating an ODBC DSN
Appendix B: Recommended Resources
Please contact your training representative for more details on having this course delivered onsite or online