This course is all about creating and processing web forms. It starts with using the latest HTML standards to create and provide basic validation for an HTML form. It then covers styling forms using CSS including the validation status of form fields. You will then learn to write clean, real-time client-side form validations with JavaScript and regular expressions. Finally, you'll learn to validate forms on the server with Node.js, JSON, and Ajax.
Student who need to create and process web forms using the latest HTML standards, as well as styling forms using CSS
Experience in the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Course duration
3 Days
Course outline
1. HTML Forms
- How HTML Forms Work
- The <form> Tag
- Get vs. Post
- Form Elements
- id and name Attributes
- Text Fields
- Labels
- Text-like Input Types
- placeholder Attribute
- pattern Attribute
- Password Fields
- Date and Time Fields
- Number Fields
- Color Fields
- Tel, URL, and Email Fields
- tel
- url and email
- Search Fields
- Hidden Fields
- Buttons
- Submit Button
- Reset Button
- Button Buttons
- Exercise 1: Creating a Registration Form
- Checkboxes
- Radio Buttons
- Exercise 2: Adding Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
- Fieldsets
- Select Menus
- Option Groups
- Textareas
- Exercise 3: Adding a Select Menu and a Textarea
2. JavaScript Form Validation
- Server-side Form Validation
- HTML Form Validation
- Accessing Form Data
- Form Validation with JavaScript
- Exercise 4: Checking the Validity of the Email and URL Fields
- Checking Validity on Input and Submit Events
- Adding Error Messages
- The dataset Property
- Validating Textareas
- Validating Checkboxes
- Validating Radio Buttons
- Which Radio Button was Selected?
- Validating Select Menus
- Exercise 5: Validating the Ice Cream Order Form
- Giving the User a Chance
3. Styling Forms with CSS
- General Form Layout
- Form-field Pseudo-Classes
- Applying Pseudo-Classes to Forms
- Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, and Fieldsets
- Exercise 6: Styling Forms
4. Regular Expressions
- Getting Started
- JavaScript's Regular Expression test() Method
- Regular Expression Syntax
- Start and End ( ^ $ )
- Number of Occurrences ( ? + * {} )
- Common Characters ( . \d \D \w \W \s \S )
- Grouping ( [] )
- Negation ( ^ )
- Subpatterns ( () )
- Alternatives ( | )
- Escape Character ( \ )
- Case-Insensitive Matches
- Backreferences
- Form Validation with Regular Expressions
- Cleaning Up Form Entries
- Exercise 7: Cleaning Up Form Entries
- A Slightly More Complex Example
5. Node.js and Server-side Form Validation
- Welcome to the Server-side
- What is a web server?
- Dynamic Websites
- Google Chrome DevTools: Network Tab
- Status Codes
- Welcome to Node.js
- Installing Node.js
- package.json
- Our First App
- What does npm start do?
- Our First Web App
- Stopping the Server
- Fat-arrow Functions
- Sending a Response with HTML
- The favicon.ico Icon
- Simple Routing and 404 Pages
- Delivering favicon.ico
- Express - Node.js Web Application Framework
- app.js
- Favicon Middleware
- Static Files
- Exercise 8: Responding from the Root
- Processing a Simple Form
- Form Validation
- Validators
- Validation Chaining
- not()
- withMessage(message)
- Custom Validators
- Exercise 9: Form Validation
- Ajax
- XMLHttpRequest
- Asynchronous
- Exercise 10: Form Validation with Ajax
- Review of Object Literals
- Arrays
- Objects
- Arrays in Objects
- Objects in Arrays
- Back to JSON
- JSON Syntax
- The built-in JavaScript JSON Object
- Exercise 11: Using JSON