ColdFusion Training Course Duration
3 Days
ColdFusion Training Course Outline
Part 1: Introduction to ColdFusion
- Static pages vs. Dynamic pages
- Server-side Web Technologies
- Database Alphabet Soup: ODBC/JDBC, DSNs and SQL
- Course Objectives and Prerequisites
- Introduction to Course Project
Part 2: ColdFusion Basics
- Using CFML
- Code Editors
- Dreamweaver Interface.
- Tag Updaters / Extensions
- Tag Editing Dialog Boxes
- Embedded Tag Help
- Using ColdFusion Comments
- Creating Variables
- Variable Scope/Prefixes.
- Built-in ColdFusion Functions
- CF Function Reference (Dreamweaver specific)
- Online Reference (
- Tip: (
- Demo: Built-in Functions
- Demo: Date / Time Functions
- Using <cfinclude> to reuse code
- Demo: Create Header and Footer with <cfinclude>
- Exercise 1: Build Dynamic Page Footer using Variables and Date Functions
- Possible Solution to Exercise 1
Part 3: Dynamic Data: Querying the Database
- Database Basics
- Introduction to SQL
- Select Statement
- Update Statement
- Insert Statement
- Delete Statement
- Data Source Name (DSN) / Remote Development Server (RDS)
- The DSN Used in This Class: movieList
- Course Project Database
- Querying the database with <cfquery>
- <cfdump> for Quick Output
- Exercise 2: Query the database
- Possible Solution to Exercise 2
- Customizing Display with <cfoutput>
- Demo: Using <cfoutput>
- Building Dynamic Tables
- Shortcut: <cftable>
- Shortcut: Dynamic Table Tool (in Dreamweaver)
- Exercise 3: Display Resulting Records manually with <foutput>
- Possible Solution to Exercise 3
Part 4: Creating a Drill-down Interface
- Passing Variables between Pages
- “Two-page method"
- Demo: Pass Variables via Links
- Demo: List of Actors with links
- Receive Variables through the URL
- Using a WHERE clause in a SQL Statement
- Protecting Against SQL Injection Attacks with
- Exercise 4: Drill-down for More Detail
- Possible Solution to Exercise 4
Part 5: Conditional Statements and Forms
- Conditional Statements
- <cfif>, <cfelseif> and <cfelse>
- Comparison Operators
- Demo: Conditional Statements
- Demo: Conditional Statements Using URL Variables
- Using the isDefined() function
- Exercise 5: Conditional Statements – Data Validation
- Possible Solution to Exercise 5
- HTML Form Review
- Demo: Pass Variable through a Form
- Exercise 6: Process Form Submission
- Possible Solution to Exercise 6
- Self-Submitting Forms
- Using the <cfparam> tag to set a default value
- Quick Examination of a ColdFusion Framework (Methodology): Fusebox
- Exercise 7: Self-submitting Form
- Possible Solution to Exercise 7
- Dynamically Populating Select Lists
- HTML Review:<select> tags
- Demo: Dynamic Select List
- Exercise 8: Create a Dynamic Select List
- Possible Solution to Exercise 8
Part 6: Quick Introduction to RSS and Ajax with
- Reading an RSS Feed
- Demo: Consuming an RSS Feed
- Demo: Creating an RSS Feed
- Introducing the Tag
- Building a Mask with <cfform>
- Automatically Build a Dynamic Select List with <cfselect>
- Demo: Creating an Auto Suggest Text Field with <cfform>
Part 7: Search Interface
- Creating a Search Interfacei
- Demo: Using the LIKE clause
- Using % and _ in a LIKE Statement
- Demo: Building Dynamic SQL Statements
- Exercise 9: Create a Search Interface
- Possible Solution to Exercise 9
Part 8: Insert Records into the Database.
- SQL Insert Statement
- Demo: Insert Record Part 1 – the Form
- Insert Record Part 2 – the Insert
- Shortcut: <cfinsert>
- Redirect Users with <cflocation>
- Exercise 10: Insert a New Actor in the Database
- Possible Solution to Exercise 10
- Automated Form Validation
- Client-side vs. Server-side validation: When does the validation code run?
- Exercise 11: Automatic Client-side (or Server-side) Form Validation.
- Possible Solution to Exercise 11
Part 9: Edit (Update) Database Records
- SQL UPDATE Statement Review
- Demo: Update Record Page 1 – select the record to edit
- Passing the Primary Key.
- Page 2 – View Current Data in a Form.
- Page 3 – Perform the Update to the Database
- Shortcut:
- Exercise 12: Edit a Record
- Note on Deleting records
- Review of the SQL Delete Statement
- “Deleting” without deleting
- No <cfdelete>!
Part 10: Reusing Code
- Reusing code with <cfinclude> and <cflocation>
- Custom Tags
- Demo: custom tags
- Where to store Custom Tags
- Demo: Custom Tag with Parameters
- Using <cfmodule>
- A Note about CFX tags
- Exercise 13: Calling a Custom Tag to Display a List of Years.
- Possible Solution to Exercise 13
User Defined Functions (UDFs) and ColdFusion Components (cfcs)
- Creating UDFs with the <cffunction> tag
- Using ColdFusion Components (CFCs)
- Creating Components
- Calling or Invoking Components
- Passing Arguments to Components
- The Component Code
- The main CFML page
- View a Component directly in the browser
- Exercise 14: UDFs
- Possible Solution to Exercise 14
Part 11: Using Session Variables for Password Protection
- Session Variables
- Creating Password Protected Pages
- The Included Page: demo-password-protect.cfm
- The Log in Page: demo-password-form.cfm
- Application.cfc
- Note regarding Application.cfm
- Locking Session and Application variables with <cflock>
- Exercise 15: Password Protecting Pages (optional)
- Possible Solution to Exercise 15
Part 12: Tracking User Information with Cookies (optional)
- Demo: setting cookies
- Exercise 16: Remember Users by using Cookies
- Possible Solution to Exercise 16
Part 13: Sending email with <cfmail> (optional)
- Using ColdFusion to Send Email
- <cfmail> Tag Syntax
- Demo: Sending an email
- Exercise 17: Sending Automated Emails
- Possible Solution to Exercise 17
Appendix A: Resources
Appendix B: Set-up Notes
Appendix C: Create a Dreamweaver “Site”
- Location of our course files
- Site Creation – Basic
- The Advanced Tab – Additional Categories
Site Files Panel
- “Create a Site” vs. “FTP or RDS Server Connection”
Appendix D: Selecting Among ColdFusion Code Reuse Methods