Mainframe Training Overview
Students will gain hands on experience through a series of class discussions and hands-on exercises that include several modifications to an initial working COBOL program.
Throughout the course, COBOL components are compared and contrasted with their Assembler Language counter parts. These include DS/DC vs PIC, DCB vs SELECT/FD, Compiler Assembler instructions, S0C7 abend dumps and arithmetic comparisons.
The course starts with an overview of structured programming concepts.
Development of clear and understandable program designs is stressed along with building maintainable programs. Program debugging techniques are also discussed.
The four divisions of a COBOL program and their functions are reviewed in detail. The syntax rules for these COBOL divisions are also covered in detail.
Character and numeric variables, file processes, file status checks, program loops, conditional statements, arithmetic statements and print a report with headers and trailer are presented as the more common uses of COBOL.
Several COBOL language features are discusses in detail including Reference Modification, Figurative Constants, Special Registers, INITIALIZE, SET, STRING, COPY, Arithmetic statements, process tables via SEARCH / SEARCH ALL, Internal SORT, S0C7 abend, Intrinsic Functions, Calls to LE, and COBOL internal representation.
Performance-based Objectives
As a result of the class, the student will be able to -
- compared / contrasted COBOL components with their Assembler Language counter parts
- design and develop structured programs
- debug a COBOL program's logic via displays and walk-thrus
- define variables and build program procedural code
- READ and WRITE files
- analyze the File-Status field
- use IF, EVALUATE, PERFORM statements and use explicit scope (END-) terminators
- use arithmetic statements
- load / process COBOL tables via indexes / subscripts
- code COBOL Intrinsic Functions
- code COBOL calls to the Language Environment (LE)
- define / discuss the internal descriptions of data in a COBOL program
- analyze a program S0C7 abend
- compared and contrasted COBOL components with their Assembler Language counter parts
Mainframe Training Audience
This course is intended for Assembler Language programmers / analysts who must understand, design, code, test, and debug COBOL programs from an Assembler Language viewpoint.
Mainframe Training Prerequisites
- Six months experience with TSO/ISPF is required.
- Six months of Assembler Language coding experience is required.
- No previous COBOL experience is needed
Mainframe Training Course duration
5 Days
Mainframe Training Course outline
Day 1 - COBOL Introduction
I. Introduction to Structured / Program Design Techniques
II. COBOL Language Components - 4 Divisions - Identification, Environment, Data, Procedure
- A. Syntax Rules
- B. Sample Program Examples
III. File Operations
- A. Environment Division - SELECT and ASSIGN
- B. Procedure Division - FD and Record definition
- C. Procedure Division - OPEN/CLOSE, READ/WRITE
- D. File Status
IV. Program Control and Looping Statements
- A. The Family of PERFORMs
- B. Conditional Statements - IF, EVALUATE
- C. Statement Terminators (-END)
Days 2 - Arithmetic and Data moves
V. Data Storage
- A. Character and Numeric Moves and Edit Picture Characters
- B. Arithmetic statements - Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Compute
- C. Accessing part of a field - Redefines, Reference Modification
Days 3 - Program Language Features
VI. Program Language Features
- A. Continue/Next Sentence, GOBACK, GOTO, Figurative Constants, Special Registers,
- B. Printing to a file & Headers / Trailers
- C. Sub Program Access - CALL statement
- D. Reading a PARM from JCL
Days 4 - Program Language Features (Continued)
- F. Table Processing - Tables - SEARCH/SEARCH ALL, Intrinsic Functions, Calls to LE,
- G Intrinsic Functions, Calls to LE, S0C7 Abend debugging
Days 5 - Program Language Features (Continued)
- H. S0C7 Abend, Internal Data Representations - Packed/Binary
VII. Sample Program Review - DB2, CICS, IMS/DB, VSAM
Appendix A Programming Exercises
Appendix B JES RUN
Appendix C Error List Sample
Appendix D Internal Sort
Appendix E Abend Aid Dump Analysis
Appendix F Intrinsic Functions
Appendix G File Status Code
Appendix H Calls to Language Environment
Appendix I EBCDIC Collating Sequence
Appendix J National Feature Demo Program
Appendix K Two Dimensional tables
Appendix L Sub Program
Appendix M Unstring
Appendix Z 2Assembler vs COBOL features
Appendix N Sample Program - CICS
Appendix O Sample Program - DB2
Appendix P Sample Program - IMS Database
Appendix Q Compiler Options & Directing stmts
Appendix R Sample Program - VSAM
Appendix S COPY Replacing
Appendix T S0C7 Abend - IBM Fault Analyzer
Appendix U Other IF Examples
Appendix V Numeric Internal Representation
Appendix X Debug Mode
Appendix W Hex Study Program & Displays
Appendix Y References - Tables of Contents
Appendix Z Call By Content, By Reference