This course utilizes an instructor-led lectures and discussion format coupled with progressive hands-on exercises designed to illustrate the following topics in BusinessObjects XI environment; role of Universes, universe design principles methodology, locating required tables, using Joins, depict usage of classes and objects, understand List of Values concept, creating advanced objects like conditional and interactive objects, defining Universe hierarchy via classes and objects and Universe distribution and incorporating Supervisor settings in our design
IT professionals that will be designing, creating, documenting, maintaining and deploying BusinessObjects XI Universes for their clients.
Student should be familiar with basic Windows concepts and be able to function efficiently in Windows 2000/XP environment. Each student should have completed Introduction to Data Warehousing or understand the basic role of a Data Warehouse structures.
- Understand the role of BusinessObjects Universes.
- Illustrate the critical path for designing
and developing BusinessObject Universes.
- Define the capabilities of Universe parameters.
- Incorporating the usage of table Joins.
- Understand the role of Classes and Objects.
- Illustrate the use of @ functions in Universe
- Use of the List of Values to increase product
- Define the role of hierarchies in Universe
- Illustrate techniques for query optimization
within Universe design.
- Understand the process of Universe deployment.
- Utilize Supervisor to define groups and users
- Defining and controlling Universe parameters:
SQL, data and row restrictions, table mappings
and command restrictions
Class Format
Lecture and Lab
Course duration:
3 days
Course outline:
- Client role
- Data Warehouse
- Data utilization by users
- Warehouse data: real-time, reconciled,
derived, changed and metadata
- Using a data warehouse
- BusinessObjects environment
- Role of the BusinessObject universe
- Integrating data warehouse to BusinessObject
- Universe design principles
- Defining metadata layer
- Universe components
- Schema support
- User/Client segmentation
- BI stakeholders
& Contexts
- Fact vs Lookup tables
- Loops
- Loop detection
- Cardinality detection
- Defining Alias
- Using alias with SQL
- Resolving loops with an alias
- Create Alias with Designer
- Alias detection
- Defining Contexts
- Context impact on SQL
- Ambiguous Queries
- Inferred Queries
- Create Contexts in Designer
- Context vs Alias
and Columns
- Initiating Designer
- Online vs Offline mode
- Designer interface panel
- Classes, Objects & Filters
- Designer toolbar
- Universe creation process
- Database connections
- Built-in strategies
- SQL query options
- Table browser
- Manipulate Table entries
- Join properties and options
Classes &
- Defining Class, Object and Condition
- Create new Class
- Class properties
- Subclasses
- Object creation
- Object properties
- Use of WHERE clause
- @Prompt
- @Script
- @Select
- @Variable
- @Where
- Measures
- List of Values
- Condition creation
- Defining Strategies
- Built-in and External strategies
- Building SQL strategy files
- Flat file strategy file
- Stategy output formats
- Join strategies
- Applying external strategies
Aggregrate Awareness
- Definition
- Methodology
- Aggregrate aware objects
- @Aggregrate_Aware
- Object analysis
- Compatible objects
- Defining Joins
- Supported Join types
- Cardinality
- Building Joins w/ Designer
- Using Detect
- Candidate joins
- Manual join operations
- Editing joins
- Formula bar
- Equi-join creation
- Theta join
- Outer join
- Detect join cardinalities
- Integrity checks
- Definition
- Time hierarchy
- Time limitations
- Drill-through components
- DTS Manager
- Universe Drill-through service (UDS)
- UDS Maps
- Candidate joins
- Manual join operations
Supervisor operations
- Security
- User Types and Profiles
- Adding users
- User properties
- Adding groups
- Universe properties
- Table mappings
Universe Maintenance
- Saving updates
- Enterprise vs workgroup
- Print options
- Repository distribution
- File distribution
- Exporting
- Importing