This course is provided by Wintrac. Wintrac provides one stop shopping for all your IT
training needs. Wintrac’s course catalog of over two thousand courses includes courses on Web Development Training
Advanced Web Design explores more sophisticated design techniques you need to enhance your page with forms and multimedia. Additionally, you will discover how to incorporate dynamic technologies to give you more control over your page styles and provide the user with interactivity.
- Incorporate various multimedia to your Web page
- Design simple HTML forms with simple client-side validation, allowing users a selection of input options
- Design complex tables for layouts and data
- Introduce the basic concept of JavaScript, including functions, objects, methods, event handlers and an understanding of the DOM
- Implement JavaScript to validate forms, ensuring that the user fills in the form properly
- Review concept of Dynamic Scripting or DOM Scripting as a whole to better understand why a dynamic website is the future
- Know what to do with your Web pages to get them published
- Introduction to HTML, XHTML, and Cascading Style Sheets
- Introduction to Macromedia DreamWeaver
- Introduction to Flash
- Introduction to JavaScript for New Programmers
- Introduction to ColdFusion MX 7 for New Programmers
- Fundamentals of ASP.NET using VB.NET and C#
- Fundamentals of JavaServer Pages
Course duration
2 Days
Course outline
HTML Forms
- How Forms Work: The Form Page and the Process Page
- <form>
- <input>
- Size
- Maxlength
- Get
- Post
- <textarea<
- Radio Buttons
- Checkboxes
- Select Menus
Simple Client-Side Validation of Forms
Advanced Tables
- Keywords
- Description
- Author
- Generator
- Refresh
- Best Practices
- Image Maps
- Videos
- Audio
Introduction to JavaScript and the Document Object Model
- ECMAScript-262
- The Document Object Model
JavaScript in DOM Scripting/DHTML
Structure of JavaScript
- window Object
- Prompts: alert(), prompt(), confirm()
- Nesting Quotes
- Multiple Statements
- link Object
- Functions
- Writing a function
- Passing an argument
- Concatenating strings and variables
- Calling from other functions
- getElementById
- getElementsbyTagName
- External File
- Embedded
- Inline
JavaScript Event Handlers
- OnClick
- OnMousover, On Mouseout
- OnLoad, onUnLoad
- OnSubmit
- OnFocus, Onblur
- value
Why DOM Scripting/DHTML
- Static Website
- Dynamic Website
- Concepts in Review: Dynamic Technologies : HTML, XHTML, CSS, and DOM Scripting
- Capstone Project: Creating a Learning Game
Appendix A: Special Characters
Appendix B: Color Chart
Appendix C: Additional Form Element
Appendix D: Additional Tags
Appendix E: More JS Methods
Appendix F: Editing Solutions
Appendix G: Website Publication: An Introduction to FTP
Appendix H: What’s Next
- and What to Do with DOM Scripting/DHTML
- Client-Side Programming
- Server-Side Programming
Appendix I: Websites and Resources