AJAX Training Overview
In this 4-day Ajax training class, students learn to make calls to the server with JavaScript and to
manipulate JSON and XML content returned from the server. Ajax opens the door to creating
sophisticated web-based applications with much more of the logic (and therefore code) handled on the
client. While Ajax allows for more dynamic and responsive applications, it changes the traditional role
of JavaScript dramatically and forces developers to rethink how they write and manage JavaScript code.
After taking this Ajax training course, students will be able to create sophisticated Ajax-based
applications in an efficient and modular way.
The server-side aspects of this class are written in Node.js so that students using any type of operating
system (Windows, Mac, Linux) can run the code from their own computer. While it's helpful to
understand the server side, it's not required or assumed; a short overview of the Node.js server features
(written in JavaScript) are included with the course, for those interested.
AJAX Training Audience
Web developers using Ajax and Java developers who need to work with AJAX-based web
AJAX Training Prerequisites
Experience in HTML, JavaScript and CCS.
AJAX Training Course duration
4 days
AJAX Training Course outline
1.A Quick Overview of Web
- Development
- Client-side Programming
- Cascading Style Sheets
- JavaScript
- Dynamic HTML
- Ajax
- Adobe Flash
- Server-side Programming
- Perl
- ColdFusion
- Active Server Pages
- Java EE
- Ruby on Rails
2. Intro to Ajax and the Node.js Server
- The Purpose of Ajax
- Traditional Web application
- JavaScript on the Server Side?
- Why Node.js
- Running Node.js
- A First Node.js Application &
- An Ajax Web Applications
3. Ajax Basics
- The XMLHttpRequest Object
- Using an XMLHttpRequest
- Handling the Response
- The Callback Function
4. jQuery
- jQuery: A JavaScript Library
- About jQuery
- jQuery Basics
- Ajax with jQuery
- jQuery’s Ajax-Related Methods
- Convenience Methods
- $.fn.load
5. Passing Data
- Dynamic Tables
- Review of Object Literals
- Arrays
- Objects
- Arrays in Objects
- Objects in Arrays
- Back to JSON
- JSON Syntax
- JSON Parsers
- JSON Advantages and Disadvantages
6. Ajax Applications
- Login Form
- Quick Lookup Form
- Preloaded Data
- Ajax Slideshow
- Navigable Tables
7. More Ajax Applications
- Inline Editing
- The contenteditable Attribute
- Detailed Information on Demand
- Autologout
- Autocompletion
- CORS/JSONP: Assessing Remote Sites
- CORS vs. JSONP Differences