Apache Training Overview
Apache httpd Web Server Administration covers the details of installing and configuring the most popular Web server on the planet: Apache's httpd server. Students will learn the details of the httpd.conf configuration file, using .htaccess files, virtual hosts, MIME and file types, URL mapping, directory indexing, performance tuning, handlers, filters, server-side includes, managing scripts, security and Apache modules.
Apache Training Audience
This course is for Web Server administrators who need to be able to install, configure and run Apache httpd Web Server.
Apache Training Course duration
2 days
Apache Training Course outline
Chapter 1: Introduction to Apache
- The Apache Software Foundation
- Apache HTTP Server is an open-source project managed by the Apache Software
Foundation (ASF).
- The ASF supports many “projects”, including:
- HTTP Web server (Apache)
- Jakarta
- Perl, PHP, XML, TCL, Ant, Logging
- and many others…
- Downloading Apache
- Download the Apache Binary for Windows
- Make sure Port 80 is available
- Run the Install Program
- Change the install folder to be c:\Apache
- Click “Install” to complete the installation
- Test the Installation
Chapter 2: Starting and Stopping Apache
- Start/Stop the Server on Windows
- The Apache Monitor
- Install Apache as a Service
- The apachectl Script
Chapter 3: The Apache Configuration Files
- The contents of the /conf directory
- The httpd.conf file
- Directives
- Sections
- The Include Directive
- The Options Directive
- The Installed Directories
Chapter 4: The .htaccess File
- Overview of .htacces files
- Configuring .htaccess
- The AllowOverride directive
- Setting directory authentication
- Allowing CGI scripts
- Performance Issues
Chapter 5: Virtual Hosts
- Overview of Virtual Hosting
- IP-Based Virtual Hosts
- Name-based Virtual Hosts
- Port-based Virtual Hosts
- Bulk Virtual Hosting
Chapter 6: MIME and File Types
- Overview of MIME Types
- Configuring MIME Types
- Encoding Files
- Character Sets
- Languages
Chapter 7: URL Mapping
- Configuring Aliases
- Configuring Redirects
- The DocumentRoot Directive
- Error Documents
Chapter 8: Directory Indexing
- The DirectoryIndex Directive
- Fancy Indexing
- Headers and Footers
- Ignoring Files
- Searching and Sorting
Chapter 9: Performance Tuning
- The ApacheBench Utility Program
- Tweaking the Apache Configuration
Chapter 10: Handlers and Filters
- Overview of Handlers
- The Section
- Configuring Handlers
- The server-status Handler
- Overview of Filters
- Configuring Filters
Chapter 11: SSI
- Overview of SSI
- Configuring SSI
- Using SSI Directives
Chapter 12: Managing Scripts
- Overview of scripting options
- The mod_perl Module
- Configuring mod_perl
- Installing PHP on Windows
- Configuring PHP
Chapter 13: Security
- Common Security Issues with Apache
- Dynamic Content Issues
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Access Control
- Unix File Permissions
Chapter 14: Modules
- Overview of Apache Modules
- Installing Modules