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.NET training
.NET Training Overview
This five-day course provides a comprehensive and practical hands-on introduction to developing Web applications using ASP.NET 3.5 and C#. It includes an introduction to using ASP.NET AJAX to build rich client applications. ASP.NET is introduced as a Web programming platform that overcomes a number of limitations of ASP. Its architecture is outlined, including the role of compilation, the Page class and code-behind. Web Forms are introduced, including server controls, viewstate, life cycle, and the event model. Request/response HTTP programming using ASP.NET is covered as are ASP.NET Web applications, and caching in ASP.NET. Data access is covered in some detail, including an introduction to ADO.NET, Language Integrate Query (LINQ), and the powerful data access controls provided by ASP.NET 3.5. The final section of the course introduces rich client-side development with ASP.NET AJAX and the architecture and programming of the HTTP pipeline.
.NET Training Prerequisites
A working knowledge of C# and .NET Framework. Knowledge of JavaScript is recommended.
.NET Training Audience
Experienced application developers or architects.
.NET Training Course duration
5 days
.NET Training Course outline
Introduction to ASP.NET
- Web Application Fundamentals
- Creating a Virtual Directory
- Benefits of ASP.NET
- An Echo Program
- ASP.NET Features
- Compiled Code
- Server Controls
- Browser Independence
- Separation of Code and Content
- State Management
Web Forms Architecture
- Web Forms Architecture
- HelloCodebehind.aspx
- HelloCodebehind.aspx.cs
- Page Class
- Inheriting from Page Class
- Web Forms Life Cycle
- View State
- Web Forms Event Model
- Page Processing
- Page Events
- Page Properties
- Page Directive
- Tracing
- Code-Behind in ASP.NET 2.0
- ASP.NET 2.0 Code-Behind Page
- Classical Web Programming
- Active Server Pages Object Model
- Request/Response Objects
- HTML Code
- ASP Code
- Request/Response in ASP.NET
- HttpRequest Class
- Properties of HttpRequest
- Using HttpRequest Class
- HTTP Collections
- HttpResponse Class
- Redirect
- HttpUtility
- Echo Program in ASP.NET
- Echo.aspx
- EchoBack.aspx
- GET and POST Compared
- QueryString and Forms Collections
Web Applications Using Visual Studio
- Using Visual Studio
- Visual Web Developer
- Using Components in ASP.NET 2.0
- Compilation Error
- Shadow Copying
- Temporary Copy of the Component
- ASP.NET Applications
- Sessions
- Global.asax
- Web Application Life Cycle
- Global.asax
- Log Class
- StringStore Class
- Data Binding
- Session Data
- Sessions Using IIS
- Absolute Positioning
- Adding Global.asax File
- XHTML in Visual Studio
State Management and Web Applications
- Session and Application State
- Session Object
- Page_Load
- Session Variable Issues
- Session State and Cookies
- Session State Timeout
- Session State Store
- Application State
- Implementing Application State
- Global.asax
- Users.aspx.cs
- Multithreading Issues
- Bouncing the Web Server
- Cookies
- Cookies and ASP.NET
- HttpCookie Properties
- Acme Travel Agency Case Study
- State Management Techniques
Server Controls
- Server Controls in ASP.NET
- HTML Server Controls
- Using HTML Server Controls
- HTML vs. Web Forms Server Control
- Code for Login
- HTML Controls in Visual Studio
- Using HTML Controls
- Web Controls
- Validation Controls
- Required Field Validation
- Regular Expression Validation
- Rich Controls
- Copying a Web Site
- User Controls
- Using a User Control
- Copyright.ascx
- Copyright.ascx.cs
Caching in ASP.NET
- What Is Caching?
- Need for Caching (Why Cache?)
- Data to be Cached Time Frame
- ASP vs. ASP.NET Response Model
- Caching in ASP.NET
- Three Types of Caching in ASP.NET
- Output Caching
- @ OutputCache Directive
- @ OutputCache Attributes in Detail
- VaryByParam in Detail
- HttpCachePolicy Class
- Page Fragment Caching
- Common Mistakes in Using Fragment Caching
- Data Caching or Application Caching
- Add an Item to the Cache Object
- Insert and Add Methods
- Expiration
- Problems in Caching
ASP.NET Configuration and Security
- One-minute Introduction to XML!
- ASP.NET Configuration - Overview
- Multi-level Configuration
- Configuration Hierarchy
- Web.Config File Structure
- Web.Config Sections
- Application Settings
- ASP.NET Security Overview
- Role-Based Security and CAS
- Types and Steps
- Steps in Enabling Role-Based Security
- Three Ways to Authenticate
- Forms Authentication Default.aspx
- Forms Authentication Web.Config
- Features of Forms Authentication
- Forms Authentication Classes
- Customizing Forms Authentication
- Authentication Source
- Forms Authentication Analysis
- Windows Authentication
- Windows Authentication Analysis
- Passport Authentication
- Passport Authentication Analysis
- Authorization
Debugging, Diagnostics and Error Handling
- ASP.NET Diagnostics
- Debugging Using Visual Studio
- Debugging Calculator
- Application-Level Tracing
- Tracing Calculator
- Using the Page Cache
- An ASP.NET Page Without Visual Studio
- Attaching to VS Debugger
- Preparing to Debug
- Trace Messages
- Tracing the Calculator Page
- Conditional Tracing
- Trace Category
- Trace Warning
- Exceptions in Trace
- Errors in ASP.NET
- Uncaught Exception
- Custom Error Pages
More Server Controls
- ASP.NET 2.0 Control Improvements
- New Controls in ASP.NET 2.0
- Master Pages
- Using a Menu Control
- Creating Content Pages
- TreeView Control
- Master Page Application
- Visual Studio 2008 Solutions
- ADO.NET Architecture
- .NET Data Providers
- ADO.NET Interfaces
- .NET Namespaces
- Connected Data Access
- AcmePub Database
- Creating a Connection
- Using Server Explorer
- Performing Queries
- Web Client Isolation
- Web Client Database Code
- Using Commands
- Creating a Command Object
- Using a Data Reader
- Use of Session State
- Generic Collections
- Executing Commands
- Parameterized Queries
- DataSet
- DataSet Architecture
- Why DataSet?
- DataSet Components
- DataAdapter
- Data Access Class
- Filling a DataSet
- Accessing a DataSet
- Using a Standalone DataTable
- Adding a New Row
- Searching and Updating a Row
- Deleting a Row
- Row Versions
- Row State
- Iterating Through DataRows
- Command Builders
- Updating a Database
- Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
- Bridging Objects and Data
- Object Relational Designer
- IntelliSense
- Basic LINQ Query Operators
- Obtaining a Data Source
- Filtering
- Ordering
- Aggregation
- Obtaining Lists and Arrays
- Deferred Execution
- Modifying a Data Source
- Performing Inserts via LINQ to SQL
- Performing Deletes via LINQ to SQL
- Performing Updates via LINQ to SQL
Data Access in ASP.NET 3.5
- Data Access in ASP.NET 2.0
- SQL Generation Options
- Enable Edit and Delete
- Editing Records
- GridView Control
- DetailsView Control
- Storing the Connection String
- Protecting the Configuration String
- FormView Control
- Master/Detail Web Pages
- Data Binding
- Template Editing
- Using XML Data
- Multiple-Tier Data Access
- Object Data Source
- Data Access in ASP.NET 3.5
- Configuring the ListView
- ListView Edit
- DataPager Control
- LinqDataSource Control
- Configuring LinqDataSource
Personalization and Security
- Themes
- Control Skins
- Applying Themes
- Security in ASP.NET 2.0
- ASP.NET Membership
- Login Controls
- Web Site Administration Tool
- Access Rules
- Profile Properties
- Using ASP.NET Profile Properties
Introduction to ASP.NET AJAX
- Desktop Applications
- Web Applications
- Plug-Ins
- Client-Side Scripting
- Script Code
- JavaScript in ASP.NET
- Dynamic Pages
- Efficient Page Redraws
- Google Maps
- Partial Page Rendering
- UpdatePanel Control
- AJAX Extensions Controls
- AJAX Client Library
- Using the Client Library
- ScriptManager Control
- Embedded JavaScript Files
- Client Library Namespaces
- Sys.Debug Tracing
- Document Object Model
- JavaScript for Simple Calculator
- Using the Client Library
- JavaScript in Assemblies
- Providing a ScriptReference
- AJAX Control Toolkit
- ACT Controls in Visual Studio
- AjaxControlToolkit.dll
- Extender Controls
- NumericUpDownExtender Control
HTTP Pipeline
- Web Applications
- ASP.NET Request Processing
- ASP.NET Architecture with IIS 5.0
- Pipeline Processing
- Pipeline Architecture
- Customizing the HTTP Pipeline
- Customizing Applications
- Customizing a Welcome Application
- Logger Class
- Custom Handlers
- IHttpHandler Interface
- Custom Handler Configuration
- Entry in Configuration File
- Extension Mapping in IIS
- .ashx Files
- string.ashx
- Custom Modules
- Using DemoModule
Appendix A Learning Resources
Appendix B Configuring IIS for ASP.NET 3.5
- If ASP.NET 2.0 is Installed
- ASP.NET Versions Side-by-Side
- Configuring for ASP.NET 2.0
- Installing ASP.NET