Dojo is a library that extends the JavaScript language to simplify the manipulation of the Document Object Model (DOM) and enhances JavaScript for robust object-oriented programming. This course explores using Dojo to manipulate the DOM in real time while the user is interacting with the program. Providing menus, switching user views, moving graphic objects in real-time, updating views in real-time using AJAX and other concepts are all addressed. Leveraging object-oriented principles to build reliable, robust applications in JavaScript using the Dojo extensions are explored in detail. The Dojo widget environment to build client applications from widgets (client-interface components) is used in-depth.
This course targets developers who want to learn how to leverage Dojo for building advanced JavaScript applications (Rich-client applications) and programming managers who need to understand what their teams are doing.
A working knowledge of HTML, experience with JavaScript in HTML documents and experience with object-oriented programming concepts.
Course duration
4 Days
Course outline
Introduction to Dojo
- Toolkits
- Dojo Base, Core, Dijit and DojoX
- Debugging Strategies
The Document Object Model
- HTML and the Document Object Model
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Dojo DOM Methods
- Dojo Node Positioning
Dojo Classes and Inheritance
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Function Objects
- Inheritance through Prototypes
- Dojo Classes and Inheritance
Event Handling
- The DOM Event Model
- Capturing Events
- Subscribing to Events
- The Back Button
Dijits, Form, and Application Widgets
- Dijits
- Form Widgets
- Application Widgets
Layout Widgets
- The Layout Dijits
- ContentPane
- BorderContainer
- Stacks, Tabs, and Accordians
Designing Widgets
- Dijit Anatomy and Lifecycle
- Building a Custom Dijit
Drag, Drop, and Animation
- Drag and Drop
- Dojo Base Animation
- Core fx
- Color
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)
- AJAX Defined
- Interfacing to JSON Web Services with Dojo
Datastores (Data Abstraction)
- Datastores
- ItemFileReadStore & ItemFileWriteStore
- DataGrid
HTML 5 Application Caching and using Local Storage
- Application Caching
- Web Storage