Visual Basic Training Overview
This course is designed for developers who are moving to Visual Basic with some understanding of basic programming concepts. You will learn Visual Basic syntax, event-driven programming, and how to compile an application with the native code compiler. You will learn the VBA language, handle run-time errors, debug, work with forms and controls, and add simple database support to your applications.
Visual Basic Training Prerequisites
Programming experience in a high-level language and the ability to use Microsoft Windows.
Visual Basic Training Audience
Programmers who need to design and develop applications in Visual Basic 6.0.
Visual Basic Training Course duration
3 Days
Visual Basic Training Course outline
Your First Visual Basic Program
- Welcome To Visual Basic!
- A Simple Project
- Using the Application Wizard
Adding Controls to Forms
- Visual Basic Controls
- Creating and Manipulating New Controls
- Changing Design Time Control Properties
- Visual Basic Built-In Controls
- Control Design Tips
Understanding Events
- Introducing Events
- Event Procedures
- The Form Load Event
- The Form Resize Event
- Command Button Click Event
- Text Box Change Event
- The Timer Control's Timer Event
- GotFocus/LostFocus Events
Working with Forms and Controls
- Setting Properties at Run Time
- Setting Form and Control Properties
- Using ActiveX Controls
- Adding ActiveX Controls to a Project
- Using the Monthview ActiveX Control
- Extra ActiveX Samples
Creating and Using Menus
- Menus in Visual Basic
- Using the Menu Editor
- Working with Menus
- Manipulating Menus at Run Time
- Reusing Menus
- Creating Popup Menus
Compiling and Distributing Applications
- Finishing Touches
- Project Properties
- Native Code vs. p-code
- Creating Your Executable
- Using the Package and Deployment Wizard
Working with VBA
- Creating a Simple Procedure
- Variables and Parameters
- Data Types
- Using Constants
- Investigating Built-In Functions
- Branching Structures and Looping Structures
Handling Errors
- Handling Syntax Errors
- Handling Run-Time Errors
- The Error Handling Standard
- Taking a Closer Look
- Who Handles Errors?
Debugging Applications
- Handling Logic Errors
- Watch Expressions
- The Call Stack
- The Debugging Process
More VBA Issues
- Scope, Lifetime, and Precedence
- Passing by Value and by Reference
- Arrays
- Optional Arguments
More Form and Control Issues
- Using Multiple Forms
- List Boxes Revisited
- Control Arrays
Adding Simple Database Support
- Support for Data Access in Visual Basic 6.0
- Using the ADO Data Control
- Binding Controls to Data
- Writing Code for the Data Control