45 - 50 hrs
Session - 1. IS Oil Overview:
* SAP IS-Oil Basics & Overview of HPM, TD & Exchange business.
* SAP IS-Oil functional overview & What should consultant know more
* What is Industry Solution and why ; Why oil companies need SAP IS-Oil
* Partners involved in SAP IS-Oil
* Customer for SAP IS-Oil. Why should you know customer
* Possible knowledge areas.
* Exercise for session 1.
Session - 2. Hydrocarbon Product Management (HPM) :
*. Concept of HPM. Why HPM needed in oil industry
*. Concept of Dynamic Quantity Conversion. Difference between static & dynamic conversion.
*. Quantity Conversion Interface (QCI). Display of QCI Configuration in SAP with configuration setting.
*. List of Product types for HPM
*. Concept of Silo management. Display of Silos in SAP.
*. Characteristics of Silo Management
*. Reason for differences in Physical and Book stock.
*. Exercise for session 2.
Part - 3. HPM Specific Master & Transaction Data
*. Material Master - Oil Specific View display in SAP.
*. Material Master - UOM Group & conversion group display in SAP with configuration setting.
*. Tank Master. Characteristic display in SAP.
*. Product Compatibility Group and their usage.
*. Customer Compatibility group & their usage with configuration setting.
*. Quantity conversion in purchase and sales cycle business scenario.
*. Exercise for session 3.
Part - 4. Bulk Transport and Distribution
* Shipment Planning & Concept of bulk TD in SAP.
* Delivery & Loading in SAP for various business scenarios with QCI.
* Delivery Confirmation & dynamic quantity conversion
*. ASTM Maintenance & Quantity conversion with configuration setting.
*. Pipeline transfer scenario of finished product or crude oil.
*. SD Organization structure for Oil companies. Live Example from oil industry.
*. Possible business scenario for TD business.
*. Exercise for session 4.
Part - 5. TD Specific Master Data
* Concept of vehicle & Vehicle Master & configuration setting.
* Concept of Transport Unit & related master & IMG setting. Example from industry practice.
* Compartment master & Driver master
*. Meter master
*. License master
*. Exercise for session 5. .
Part - 6 Oil Pricing
*. Concept and components of oil pricing.
* Crude oil pricing & sources of data
* Influencing factors for oil pricing
* DRC Pricing and configuration setting
* Formula & Average pricing. Day, week and month based pricing.
* Oil Price Quotations & configuration setting
* Date & Time specific pricing
* Live example of oil pricing components.
* Exercise for session 6.
Part - 7 Oil Exchange Business
* Concept of Oil Exchange Business
* Exchange agreement and configuration setting.
* Type of exchange agreement and contracts with configuration setting.
* Partners in oil exchange business & related master data.
* Contract & Call off for Sales Order business scenario
* Contract & Call off for Purchase Order business scenario
* Exchange Balance & Netting
* Exercise for session 7.
Part - 8 Mini Project
* Project phases & Business case detail.
* Project requirement specification
* Business Process Manual
* Gap Analysis & enhancement description
* Test cases with unit and integration testing.
* Cut over preparation
* Go live and post go live issues
* Exercise for session 8
Part - 9 Tips, Helps & Trouble shooting
* Review of project progress
* Possible interview questions
* Issue log, risk log and other document template
* Trouble shooting process & guideline
* IS-Oil advance areas
* Integration of IS-Oil with other SAP modules.
* Team structure in a IS-Oil project
* Interview preparation tips.