Lesson 1: Overview of VBA
- Microsoft Basic programs
- Using variables in VBA code
- Working with objects in VBA
- Assigning an object to a variable
Lesson 2: Working with Range objects
- Manipulating Range objects
- Controlling Range objects and properties
- Processing all cells in a selected range using the For
Each...Next loop
Lesson 3: Placing controls on worksheets
- Placing controls on the worksheet
- Linking controls to cells on the worksheet
- Using information linked to cells on the worksheet in a
VBA module
- Watch expressions
Lesson 4: Creating an event handler
- Validating data entered into a worksheet
- Associating an event with the event handler
Lesson 5: Custom dialog boxes
- Creating a custom dialog box by using the dialog sheet
- Linking controls on a dialog sheet to a worksheet
- Creating VBA code that links the controls on the dialog
sheet to worksheet cells
Lesson 6: Creating an add-in application
- Creating a user-defined function
- Converting a workbook to an add-in
Lesson 7: Importing text files by using VBA
- Using TextWizard to import data
- Massaging imported data by using VBA