- The AutoCAD Civil 3D Interface
- Points overview and styles
- Importing points and coordinate transforms
- Creating points and drafting
- Point groups, grips, and reports
- Point security and editing
- Introduction to data collection in the field
- Introduction to AutoCAD Civil 3D Survey and automated linework
- Survey networks
- Survey Least Squares analysis
- Traverses and their adjustment
- Traverse Loop and Closed Connected Loop adjustments
- Surface overview
- Surface editing
- Surface labels and analysis
Previous experience with the AutoCAD software and a basic understanding of the Surveying profession is recommended.
AutoCAD Training Course Duration
16 hours
AutoCAD Training Course outline
Chapter 1 The AutoCAD Civil 3D Interface
- 1.1 Product Overview
- 1.2 AutoCAD Civil 3D Workspaces
- 1.3 AutoCAD Civil 3D User Interface
- Practice 1a Overview of AutoCAD Civil 3D and its
User Interface
- 1.4 AutoCAD Civil 3D Toolspace
- Prospector Tab
- Settings Tab
- Survey Tab
- Toolbox Tab
- 1.5 AutoCAD Civil 3D Panorama
- Practice 1b AutoCAD Civil 3D Toolspace
- 1.6 AutoCAD Civil 3D Templates, Settings, and Styles
- Drawing Settings in Detail
- Styles
- Templates
- Practice 1c AutoCAD Civil 3D Styles
Chapter 2 Survey I
- 2.1 Survey Workflow Overview
- 2.2 Introduction to the Survey Toolspace
- 2.3 The Survey Database
- Practice 2a Creating a Survey Database
- 2.4 Survey Networks
- Practice 2b Creating a Survey Network
- 2.5 Survey Figures
- Drawing Settings
- Figure Styles
- Figure Prefix Database
- Practice 2c Creating Figure Prefixes
- 2.6 Importing a Field Book
- Practice 2d Importing a Field Book
- 2.7 Working with Figures
- Practice 2e Field Book Edits, Styles, and
Figure Prefixes
- 2.8 Filtering a Survey Database
- Practice 2f Filter a Survey Database
- 2.9 Points Overview
- Practice 2g Point Marker Styles
- 2.10 Point Label Styles
- Information Tab
- General Tab
- Layout Tab.
- Dragged State Tab
- Practice 2h Point Label Styles
- 2.11 Point Settings
- 2.12 Creating Points
- 2.13 Transparent Command
- Practice 2i Creating AutoCAD Civil 3D Points
- 2.14 Description Key Sets
- Practice 2j Creating a Description Key Set
- 2.15 Importing and Exporting Points
- To Import Points
- Duplicate Point Numbers
- Transforming Points on Import or Export
- Practice 2k Importing and Exporting Points Part I
- Practice 2l Importing and Exporting Points Part II
- 2.16 Point Groups
- Practice 2m Creating Point Groups
- 2.17 Reviewing and Editing Points
- Practice 2n Manipulating Points
- 2.18 Locking/Unlocking Points
- Practice 2o Point Locking and Editing
- 2.19 Point Reports
- Practice 2p Point Reports
Chapter 3 Survey II
- 3.1 Overview
- 3.2 Survey Equipment
- Trimble
- Leica
- Tripod Data Systems (TDS)
- Carlson
- Other Resources
- 3.3 Import Field Data
- 3.4 Figure Prefix Database
- Practice 3a Setup Survey Figure Database Path
- 3.6 Survey Data - Figures
- Practice 3b Importing Data - Figures
- 3.7 Survey Data - Line Code
- 3.8 Translating a Survey Database
- Practice 3d Translating Survey Database
- 3.9 Least Squares
- Practice 3e Creating a Least Square Survey
- 3.10 Creating a Least Squares Input File
- Adjustment Analysis
- Blunder Detection Analysis
- Updating the Survey
- Practice 3f Creating a Least Square Input File
and Adjustment
- 3.11 Traverse Basics
- Open Traverse
- Closed Traverse
- Closed Connected Traverse
- Traverse Data in a Field Book
- 3.12 Defining a Traverse
- Traverse Editor
- Least Squares Traverse
- Adjustment Reports
- Practice 3g Creating a Network Traverse
- 3.13 Multiple Network Surveys
- Survey Points.
- Closed Connected Traverse
- Field Book Edits
- Practice 3h Closed Connect Traverse
Chapter 4 Surfaces
- 4.1 Surface Process
- 4.2 Surface Properties
- Practice 4a Creating an Existing Ground Surface
Part I
- 4.3 Contour Data
- Weeding Factors
- Supplementing Factors
- Contour Issues
- Minimizing Flat Triangle Strategies
- 4.4 Other Surface Data
- DEM Files
- Drawing Objects
- Point Files
- Point Groups
- Point Survey Queries
- Figure Survey Queries
- Practice 4b Creating an Existing Ground Surface
Part II
- 4.5 Breaklines and Boundaries
- 4.6 Surface Analysis Tools
- Viewing a Surface in 3D
- Quick Profile
- Practice 4c Creating an Existing Ground Surface
Part III
- 4.7 Surface Editing
- Line Edits
- Point Edits
- Simplify Surface
- Smooth Surface.
- Smooth Contours
- Copy Surface
- Surface Paste
- Raise/Lower Surface
- 4.8 Adjusting Surfaces through Surface Properties
- 4.9 Viewing Surfaces in 3D
- Practice 4d Surface Edits
- 4.10 Surface Labels
- Contour Labels
- Spot and Slope Labels
- 4.11 Surface Volume Calculations
- Volumes Dashboard
- Bounded Volumes
- Sample provided.
- Volume Reports
- Grid Volume or TIN Volume Surface
- 4.12 Surface Analysis Display
- Analysis Settings
- Analysis Data Display
- Practice 4e Surface Labeling and Analysis
Appendix A Opening a Survey Database.
- A.1 Opening a Survey Database
Appendix B AutoCAD Civil 2013 Certified Professional