CORBA Training Overview
This four-day course introduces Java programmers to the architecture and programming of CORBA. The course consists of two modules, also available separately.
The first module is designed to introduce students of various backgrounds to the Common Object Brokerage Request Architecture, or CORBA. The module begins with a short treatment of the origins and history of CORBA in the Object Management Group, and then the fundamentals of the Object Management Architecture – the infrastructure whose goals and requirements define CORBA – are covered. ORBs and Object Adapters are discussed, and one chapter is devoted entirely to Interface Definition Language: its role in the architecture, grammar, and design issues. A third chapter covers many of the most important CORBA Service specifications and prompts students to consider the architectural implications of each.
The second module gives students a solid intermediate understanding of Java Programming for CORBA – the Common Object Request Brokerage Architecture. We take a brief look at the practical relationship between the Java environment and CORBA, including how various distributed-computing Java APIs fit into a CORBA system. The Java ORB and language mapping are treated in detail. Students design and build servers, command-line and GUI-driven clients, and peer servers for a CORBA system. There is a focus on basic mechanics of distributed object interaction – using the ORB, managing object references, remote versus local access using interfaces and structs. Students will also look at thornier issues of system design and implementation with Java and CORBA, such as use of factories, naming servers, controlling location, lifecycle, and persistence.
CORBA Training Prerequisites
Solid experience with Java programming is required. A firm understanding of OO concepts is strongly recommended.
CORBA Training Course duration
4 Days
CORBA Training Objectives
After successfully completing this course, you will be able to:
- Understand the Object Management Architecture, the role of an Object Request Broker, and the assistance of the Object Adapter.
- Understand the role of Interface Definition Language in achieving interoperability between various components and design distributed systems using IDL.
- Understand the significance of CORBA Services and the implications of using or integrating various services into a distributed component design.
- Understand the relationship between the Java environment and CORBA, including the .details of the IDL-to-Java language mapping.
- Build Java/CORBA server and client applications
- Address practical distributed design issues.
CORBA Training Course outline
Module 1. Introduction to CORBA
- The Object Management Architecture
- The Object Management Group
- CORBA and the Goal of Interoperability
- Object Request Brokers
- Object Adapters
- Interface Definition Language
- The Role and Use of IDL
- IDL Constructs
- Interfaces, Operations, Attributes
- IDL Design Issues
- Factories
- CORBA Services
- Naming
- Events and Notifications
- Transactions and Concurrency
- Trader
- LifeCycle
- Persistent State
- Collections
- Security
- Externalization
Module 2. Java Programming for CORBA
- Java and CORBA
- Relationship Between Java and CORBA
- Portability
- Other Java APIs and CORBA
- JavaIDL
- CORBA Applications and Applets
- Practical Motivations to Use CORBA
- The Java ORB
- The JavaIDL ORB
- Use of Alternate ORB Implementations
- Initializing the ORB
- Creating Requests
- Object References
- The Java IDL Mapping
- JavaIDL Compiler
- Mapping for Basic Types
- Mapping for Modules
- Mapping for Interfaces
- Implementation Base versus Tie
- Helpers and Holders
- Mapping for Structs
- Mapping for Exceptions
- Mapping for Sequences
- Mapping for Arrays
- CORBA Object Implementation
- What’s Done For You
- Writing the Servant
- Implementation Base or Tie?
- Writing the Server
- Publishing the Object Implementation
- Simple Object Persistence
- The CORBA Client
- Building a Client
- Object Types and Narrowing
- Making Requests
- Peer-to-Peer Systems
- Controlling Location
- Distributed Design Strategies
- Factories
- Naming
- Lifecycle
- Managing Location
- Persistent Object Strategies and the PSS
Appendix A. References
System Requirements
- Hardware Requirements
- A Java2-capable PC or workstation per student. Connection to a local area network via TCP/IP is recommended.
- Software Requirements
- Java Developer’s Kit version 1.2 or higher.
- JavaIDL compiler, which can be downloaded from the Sun Web site.