Unix Training Overview
In-depth training for software developers on UNIX system programming facilities. Learn how to develop sophisticated multiprocess applications using system calls and library routines
Unix Training Audience
Application developers who will be writing advanced programs on UNIX
Unix Training Prerequisites
Fundamentals of UNIX, C Programming, and Advanced C Programming. Strong C programming skills are required for this course.
Unix Training Course duration
4 Days
Unix Training Course outline
UNIX Standards
Brief History of UNIX
AT&T and Berkeley UNIX Systems
Major Vendors
What is a Standard?
What is POSIX?
Other Industry Specs and Standards
Files and Directories
The POSIX.1 Basic File Types
File Descriptions
Keeping Track of Open Files
File Table Entries
The v-node Structure
The fcntl Function
File Attributes
The access Function
Link, unlink, remove, and rename Functions
Functions to Manipulate Directories
System I/O
Standard I/O vs System I/O
System I/O Calls
File and Record Locking
What is a Process?
Process Creation and Termination
Process Memory Layout
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Accessing Environment Variables
Real and Effective User IDs
Process Management
Programs versus Processes
The fork() System Function
Parent and Child
The exec System Function
Current Image and New Image
The wait() and waitpid() Function
Interpreter Files and exec
Pipes - Basic IPC
Interprocess Communication
More on FIFO's
What is a Signal?
Types of Signals
Signal Action
Blocking Signals from Delivery
The sigaction() Function
Signal Sets and Operations
Sending a Signal to Another Process
Blocking Signals with sigprocmask()
Scheduling and Waiting for Signals
Restarting System Calls (SVR4)
Signals and Reentrancy
Overview of Client/Server Programming
Designing Distributed Application
Clients and Servers
Ports and Services
Server Types
Stateless vs. Stateful Servers
Concurrency Issues
The Berkeley Sockets API
Berkeley Sockets
Data Structures of the Sockets API
Socket System Calls
Generic Client/Server Models
Sample Socket-based Client
Algorithms and Issues in Client Design
Algorithms Instead of Details
Client Architecture
Sockets Utility Functions
TCP Client Algorithm
TCP Client Implementation
UDP Client Algorithm
UDP Client Implementation
Server Design
Iterative Servers
Concurrent Servers
Performance Consideration
An Iterative Server Design
A Concurrent Server Design
System V Interprocess Communication
System V IPC
The Three System V IPC Facilities
Common Operation - Get (IPCget)
Common Operation - Control (IPCctl)
Calls to Operate on the Facilities
Commonalities between msg, sem, and shm
IPC via Message Queues
IPC via Shared Memory Segments
Coordinating the Use of Shared Memory
Semaphore Sets-semget() and semctl() Calls
Semaphore Sets - the semop() calls
Shared Memory Coordination Using Semaphores
IPC Facility Handling ipcs and ipcrm
Date and Time Functions
Time Representations
Decoding Calendar Time
Shorthand Functions - asctime(), ctime()
Formatting Calendar Time Shared
Process Times
The Difference Between clock() and times()
Berkeley High resolution Timers
Standard I/O
I/O Calls to manipulate streams
I/O Calls which perform character I/O
I/O Calls which perform string I/O
I/O Calls which perform formatted I/O
I/O Calls which perform binary I/O