This course is provided by Wintrac.
provides one stop shopping for all your IT training needs. Wintrac’s course catalog
of over two thousand courses includes courses on
Unit 1: Creating Advanced Queries
- Understanding the Query Object
- Looping over Queries
- Summarizing and Grouping Data
- Transaction Processing
- Using Stored Procedures
- Leveraging the Query of Queries Functionality
- Caching Queries
- Flushing Queries
Unit 2: Working With Lists, Arrays, and Structures
- Understanding Lists
- Creating Lists
- Manipulating Lists with Functions
- Understanding Arrays
- Creating Arrays
- Manipulating Arrays with Functions
- Looping over Arrays
- Understanding Structures
- Creating Structures
- Manipulating Structures with Functions
- Looping over Structures
- Using Built-in ColdFusion Data Structures
- Combining Data Structures and Displaying their Values
- Accessing Data by Value or Reference
Unit 3: Persisting Data Across Pages
- Persistent Variables in ColdFusion
- Understanding and Using HTTP Cookie Variables
- The Application.cfm file and the <CFAPPLICATION> tag.
- Understanding and Using Application Variables
- Locking Shared Scope Variables with <CFLOCK>
- Understanding and Using Session Variables
- Using J2EE Sessions
- Understanding and Using Client Variables and Functions
Unit 4: Creating User-Defined Functions
- Overview of User-Defined Functions
- Creating a UDF
- Understanding and Using the <CFFUNCTION> Tag Set
- Using Variables in Functions
- Creating Queries in UDFs
- Passing Arguments to UDFs
- Storing UDFs
Level 2
Unit 5: Working With the New Component Architecture
- Understanding Components
- Working with the new <CFCOMPONENT> Tag Set
- Creating a Static Component
- Accessing CFC Self-Generating Documentation
- Invoking CFC Methods with <CFINVOKE>
- Using Packages
- Passing Arguments to a Method
- Understanding and Using <CFOBJECT>
- Understanding and Creating Instance-Based Components
- Persisting CFC Instances
Level 2
Unit 6: Using the New <CFLOGIN>
- Understanding and Using <CFLOGIN>
- Understanding and Using Associated Functions
- Understanding and Using <CFLOGOUT>
- Advantages and Disadvantages of <CFLOGIN>
Unit 7: Graphing With <CFCHART>
- The Advantage of Graphs
- The New <CFCHART> Tag Set
- Creating Graphs with <CFCHART>
Unit 8: Understanding and Using Custom Tags
- Overview of ColdFusion Custom Tags
- Custom Tag Attributes
- Scoping Issues with Custom Tags
- Creating Custom Tags with End Tags
- Creating Custom Tag Families
Level 3
Unit 9: Creating Intelligent Agents with <CFHTTP> and <CFFTP>
- Understanding and Using <CFHTTP>
- Building a Query from a Text File
- Using <CFHTTP> for Data Transfer Routines
- Using <CFFTP>
- Connecting with <CFFTP>
- Performing File and Directory Operations with <CFFTP>
Unit 10: Leveraging Web Services
- Overview of Web Services
- Publishing Web Services
- WSDL Files
- Registering WSDL Files in the Administrator
- Consuming Web Services
- Using <CFINVOKE>
Unit 11: Working with WDDX and XML
- Overview of WDDX
- Serializing and De-serializing WDDX
- Understanding XML
- ColdFusion MX Tags and Functions for XML
- Creating an XML Document Object
- Using XMLFormat( )
- Retrieving XML Data from XML Documents
- Using XMLParse( )
- Retrieving Data from an XML Document Object
- Using XMLSearch( )
Unit 12: Understanding ColdFusion MX's Integration with other Technologies
- Integrating with JavaScript
- Integrating with MS Word and Excel
- Integrating with ASP
- Integrating with Flash MX
- Integrating with J2EE
- Using JSP Tag Libraries
- Integrating with .NET