Adobe Training Description
This completely revised CS6 edition covers the new tools for adding PDF form fields, linking content, and creating alternative layouts for digital publishing. This Adobe InDesign CS6 course is ideal for beginning users who want to master the key features of this program. Students who already have some experience with InDesign can improve their skills and learn InDesign's newest features.
Adobe Training Course duration
1-3 days (depending on depth of coverage)
Adobe Training Course outline
Getting Started
1 Introducing the Workspace
2 Getting to Know InDesign
3 Setting Up a Document and Working with Pages
4 Working with Objects
5 Flowing Text
6 Editing Text
7 Working with Typography
8 Working with Color
9 Working with Styles
10 Importing and Modifying Graphics
11 Creating Tables
12 Working with Transparency
13 Printing and Exporting
14 Creating Adobe PDF Documents with Form Fields
15 Exporting for E-Readers
16 Working with Long Documents