You will be introduced to the basics of the Adobe GoLive CS2 web development application. You will develop a website complete with web pages that contain text, images, links, tables, and forms.
Adobe Training Prerequisites
To ensure your success in this course, you should be familiar with the basic operation of a personal computer as well as with the Windows operating system
Delivery Method
Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.
Target Student
The target student is a proficient user of a Windows operating system who needs to develop websites using GoLive CS2.
Hardware Requirements
- Intel® Pentium® III or 4 processor (400 MHz or higher recommended).
- Microsoft® Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3 or 4, or Windows XP Service Pack 1 or 2 operating system.
- At least 192 MB of available RAM (256 MB recommended).
- At least 700 MB of available hard-disk space.
- CD-ROM drive.
- 800 x 600 monitor resolution (1024 x 768 is recommended).
Performance-Based Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- identify the basics of the World Wide Web and explore the GoLive environment.
- you will design a website.
- add text to a web page.
- add links to a website.
- add images to a web page.
- create and format tables.
- design an online form.
- upload a completed website.
- create historical versions of your websites.
Platform Requirements
Software Requirements
- Adobe® GoLive® CS2.
- Internet Explorer 6.0.
- QuickTime 6.5 required for multimedia, video, and mobile features.
Adobe Training Course duration
1 Day
Adobe Training Course outline
Lesson 1: Exploring the GoLive Basics
- Topic 1A: View GoLive Web Pages
- Topic 1B: View and Edit HTML,
Lesson 2: Designing a Website
- Topic 2A: Define a Website
- Topic 2B: Create a Basic Web Page
- Topic 2C: Use the Layout Grid
- Topic 2D: Title and Save Web Pages
- Topic 2E: Use the Site Window
- Topic 2F: Apply Templates and Stationery
Lesson 3: Adding Text to Web Pages
- Topic 3A: Add Text to a Web Page
- Topic 3B: Format Web Page Text
- Topic 3C: Account for HTML Formatting
Lesson 4: Creating Web Page Links
- Topic 4A: Create Links
- Topic 4B: Create Anchors
- Topic 4C: Create External Links
Lesson 5: Adding Images to Web Pages
- Topic 5A: Locate Assets Using Adobe Bridge
- Topic 5B: Add Images to a Web Page
- Topic 5C: Resize Images
- Topic 5D: Create an Image Link
Lesson 6: Adding Tables to Web Pages
- Topic 6A: Create and Modify Tables
- Topic 6B: Set Table Attributes
Lesson 7: Creating Forms
- Topic 7A: Create an Online Form
Lesson 8: Uploading a Website
- Topic 8A: Identify Site Errors
- Topic 8B: Upload the Site
Lesson 9: Applying Versions to Websites
- Topic 9A: Apply Version Control
Appendix A: Using Frames in a Website
Appendix B: Keyboard Shortcuts
Appendix C: Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) Objective Mapping