This course will provide each participant with an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the Service Component Architecture (SCA) and event-driven environment. This course will focus on the concept of SCA specifications, SOA components, development of Web services, use of SDO with Service Component Architecture (SCA), depict design methods using BPEL, using MQ-enabled services, utilization of JMS, depict the role of the Enterprise Service Bus using the WebSphere Message Broker, security integration, building publisher and subscriber applications, durable and non-durable event processing, using adapter components, CEI implementation, development of SOA components using WebSphere Integration Developer and deployment of client proxies.
All aspects of this class will incorporate the specific architecture of WebSphere Process Server and WID to illustrate the implementation of these techniques.
Each student should have a basic understanding of application development and design methodologies.
Class Format
Lecture and Lab
Designed for programmers, managers, project leaders, enterprise architects and other technical individuals that need to understand the SOA model
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, the student should be able to:
- Illustrate the WebSphere Process Server environment
- Understand the role of the SOA and SCA architecture
- Demonstrate the APIs for the Service Component
Architecture (SCA)
- Depict the major factors in event-driven
- Develop and deploy Web services using IBM
framework of WID
- Define the usage and role of XML, SOAP, WSDL
and UDDI registries
- Illustrate the integration between SCA and
SDO for representing business data
- Demonstrate the design methodology using
- Illustrate the implementation of an Enterprise
Service Bus and the Message Broker
- Depict the implementation of WebSphere Adapters
for accessing back-end EIS applications
- Understand the basics of WBI Modeler, Business
Monitor and WebSphere Partner Gateway
- Demonstrate the utilization of RAD/RSA or
WID for creating, deploying and testing Web
- Depict the development of business objects
Course Duration
5 Days
Course outline
to SOA
- SOA business challenges
- Service Oriented Architecture
o UDDI Registry
o Service Requestor
o Web Service
- B2C vs B2B
- Defining XML
- Defining SOAP
o Architecture
o Messages
- Web Services Descriptive Language (WSDL)
o Definition
o Usage
- Application Server
- Enterprise Service Bus
- Process Server
- Message Broker
- Business process modeling
Business Integration
- Need for application integration
- How SOA addresses integration
- Using integration and IDE tools
- Integration Components
o Application Server
o Process Server
o Enterprise Service Bus
- Role of adapters
- Use of business objects
- Topology
o Point-to-Point
o Hub-to-Bus
Services Development
- RAD/WID Tool support
- Web Services wizard
o Deployment settings
o Java to XML mappings
o Binding Proxy generation
o XML to Java mappings
o SOAP Binding Mapping configuration
- MQ enabled service
- Generated files
o Client
o Proxy
- Deployment
o Testing/Debugging
o Publishing
- TCP/IP tracing
to WebSphere Integration Developer
- Eclipse 3.0 format
- Key features
- Use of perspectives and view
- Editor types
- Role of Process Server
- Deployment and testing
Integration Patterns
- Defining eBusiness Integration Patterns
o Business
o Integration
o Application
o Runtime
- Business patterns
o Self Service
o Collaboration
- Information aggregation
o Extended Enterprise
o Integration Patterns
o Process
o Application
Process Modeling
- Defining BPM
- Benefits of BPM
- BPM Workflow analysis
- Process re-engineering
- Integrating SOA into BPM
o Notation specification
o Behavior modeling
o Process activity sequencing
- BPM lifecycle
- Roles in BPM
- History, heritage and direction
- Integration with business process management
- Business process standards
- BPEL syntax
- Choreography vs Orchestration
- Key concepts
o Partners
o Endpoints
o Activities
o Data handling
o Correlation
o Scope
- Role of partners
- Message correlation
- Fault handling
- Vendor extensions
with BPEL
- Using Modeling tools
- Create BPEL model
o Workspaces
o Projects
o Catalogs
- Process Monitoring
- Exported elements (XSD and WSDL)
- Element mapping
o Files
o I/O
o Subprocesses
o Control nodes
o Decision
o While loop
o Services
- BPEL Modeling mode
o Generated files
o Import/Export
o Generate deployment code
- Modeling overview
- Eclipse GUI
- usiness Process Execution Language
- Import business process models
- Shared workspace
- Validation
- Simulation and testing
- Exporting
Service Bus
- Architecture pattern
- Unify message oriented, event driven
and service oriented processes
- Optimize delivery of information and
- IBM Product integration
- Interoperability with different platforms
Process Server
- Create internal/external business processes
- Deployment issues
- Business event synchronization
- Applications integration
- Role-based Access
- Business Object optimization
- JMS usage
- Database connections
- Use of EJB session beans
- J2EE Connector architecture
- Interaction with EIS systems
Component Architecture
- SCA Overview
o History
o ISV Partner
o SOA Integration
- SCA Artifacts
o Module
o Component
o External service
o Entry point
o Wire
- Assembly (Module vs. System)
- QoS
- Subsystems
- SCA Specifications
o SOA interfaces
o Component implementation
o Assembly
- SCA Bindings
o Web Services
o Messaging middleware
- Use with SDO
Data Objects
- Service Data Objects
o Overview
o SDO vs JDO
- SDO objects
o Data objects
o Data graphs
o properties
- Work-in-process monitoring
- Real-time data access
- Integration with WebSphere MQ Workflow
- Report generation
- Workflow Dashboard
- Business Dashboard
- Application integration
- Centralized message broker
- Database logging
- SOA and SOAP messages