Lesson 1: Principles of table design
- Normalizing data
- Normalizing data for fourth and fifth
normal forms
Lesson 2: Principles of table relationships
- Analyzing table relationships
- Establishing and testing referential
Lesson 3: Table design techniques
- Data validation techniques
- Indexing techniques
Lesson 4: Designing select queries
- Using calculated fields in queries
- Creating multiple-table queries
Lesson 5: Customizing form designs
- Customizing the form design
- Performing calculations on a form
- Adding combo boxes to a form
- Adding unbound controls
Lesson 6: Working with data access pages
- Creating data access pages
Lesson 7: Customizing reports
- Customizing a report created by the Report
- Working with subreports
Appendix A: Using the Chart Wizard
- Creating a chart in a form or report