The course will concentrate on the taking an integrated approach to performance management by addressing the z/OS e-business perspective. Elements to be explored will focus on Workload Manager functions, the parallel sysplex, and UNIX system services and how each can be monitored and managed for optimum performance
Mainframe Training Audience
Course is designed for performance analysts or systems programmers that have a need for a better understanding about the mechanisms and data available for performance management in the e-business environment.
Mainframe Training Prerequisites
Basic understanding of the z/OS Operating System, WLM, and UNIX system services.
Mainframe Training Course duration
4 days
Mainframe Training Course outline
0z/OS E-business Overview
z/OS architecture and enhancements
Applications and functionality extended by z/architecture
Parallel Sysplex Concepts and architecture
Examine the components of a parallel sysplex and the performance issues which are unique to that environment.
Review the architecture and operation of the coupling facility
Discuss configuration choices and impact on performance
SYSPLEX Performance Considerations
Overhead calculations for parallel sysplex operation
Examine Coupling Facility signaling performance and the factors that may affect throughput
Establish Coupling Facility sizing and tuning requirements
Review performance considerations for Couple data sets
Evaluate tuning options for XCF/XES services
Examine XCF and CF RMF Reports
Workload Manager (WLM) Considerations
| Workload managers and WLM services
Enclave reporting and managament
Examine application environments
Determine requirements for Resource Affinity Scheduling and Scheduling environments
Understanding workload balancing algorithms
WLM classification rules for applications
UNIX System Services
| USS environment and controls
Hierarchical File System (HFS) performance considerations
Displaying USS information
WLM considerations for USS
| Websphere architecture Version 5
Performance information and recommended values
WLM considerations
HTTP server classification and monitoring
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