ADA Training Overview
This course is intended to jump-start experienced programmers in the use of the Ada 95 programming language to develop reliable,
maintainable software systems. Students will learn how Ada 95 supports software engineering principles, such as abstraction,
information hiding,localization, modularity, and re-use, and how to apply these principles in Ada 95 software development. Students
will gain experience with the Ada 95 syntax and semantics for data and program structuring, error management, information hiding,
object-oriented programming, and generics,tasking, and low-level programming. Finally, we will look at how the new annexes of Ada 95
support domain–specific development: distributed, real-time, and information systems, numeric computation, systems programming,
safety, and security.
ADA Training Prerequisites
Programming experience, familiarity with a high–level language.
ADA Training Audience
All software development personnel, including their management and QA engineers, who intend to program in Ada 95,
design for Ada 95, or review Ada 95 code.
ADA Training Course duration
5-10 Days
ADA Training Objectives
After this course a student should be able to
- Understand Ada 95 in the context of an application domain
- Build Ada 95 programs using object-oriented programming
- Write simple concurrent Ada 95 programs
- Use Ada 95 to support software re–use efforts
- Contribute to the design of Ada 95 software applications
In the lectures, extensive examples will be used to illustrate the new features of Ada 95. In hands-on workshops, the students will
practice using the Ada features in typical Ada development environments.
ADA Training Course outline
- Overview
- Organization and Rationale
- Reference Manual and its Annexes
- Important Differences Between Ada & Other Languages
- Program Organization And Structure
- Packages
- Library Units
- Child Library Units
- Overview of Object
- Oriented Programming in Ada
- Algorithmic Features
- Control Structures
- Subprograms
- Types
- Strong Typing
- Scalar Types
- Constrained Composite Types
- Unconstrained Arrays
- Parameterized Types
- Real Numers
- Floating Point
- Fixed Point 1
- Decimal 1
- Access Types
- Exceptions
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Program by Extension
- Polymorphism
- Dynamic Dispatching
- Controlled & Limited–Controlled Types
- Ada Predefined Library
- Reuse & Generics
- Selecting Generic Components to use
- Instantiating Generic Components
- Designing Generics Components 1
- Concurrency and Tasking 1
- Basic Concepts
- Tasks
- Declaration
- Implementation
- Activation
- Dependency
- Termination
- Safe Mutual Exclusion
- Intertask Communication
- Thinking About Process Timing & Priorities
- Low-Level Features of Ada Language 1
- Representation Clauses
- Interface to Other Languages
- Unchecked Storage De–allocation
- Unchecked Type Conversions
- Specialized Annexes 1
- Systems Programming
- Real–Time Systems
- Distributed Systems
- Information Systems
- Numerics
- Safety & Security
- Conclusions
ADA Training Materials
Each student will receive a copy of all lecture materials, lab notes, and reference materials.